Category Archives: Upcoming Events

Michaela Olafson, a senior on the Northside varsity volleyball team, also got a surprise as we took her out of her class to interview her.


Apparently winning their first game against Callaway sprung a winning streak. The girls have won five out of seven games and are excited to see how the rest of their games play out. Tonight, August thirtieth is another game against Callaway and they’re hoping to pull a win again.


“State is a long ways away,” Michaela said when asked about it. “I’m pretty sure it’s a team goal of ours to go, though.”

We also interviewed Morganne Harper, a freshman about how it felt making the varsity team.


“It was a pretty big accomplishment to me. Knowing that I had made varsity as a freshman is pretty good,” Morganne said.





The First Game!

     Jonathan Karastury, the starting quarterback for the varsity Northside High School football team, got a big surprise when we pulled him out of Mrs. Housand’s AP World History class to interview him about their first game against Shaw High School. He didn’t really know what to say when we interviewed him, but it seems he eventually found some good answers for the questions we had prepared for him.

“I’m pretty excited because I know we will beat them,” he told us while laughing. How does he know that? I could say the many days after school with bone-crunching practices

Jonathan also told us how he think the season will go. “We have a lot of good players so I expect it to be a pretty good season.”

If you want to go and cheer the Patriots on to give them even more motivation to win against the Raiders, be at Kinnet Stadium at seven.

How to Avoid an Unwanted Valentine


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Have you ever tried to avoid a guy that was hard to get rid of and clingy? Well it seems as though these type of boys show up frequently at this time of year, right before Valentine’s Day and just in time to ask you to be their valentine. It is always difficult to remove yourself from this type of situation. Of course you don’t want to break the poor guy’s heart, but you can’t live in the misery of dating him, spending time with him, or even being his valentine. You would not want to be his valentine for multiple reasons. Whether he is unaffectionate, lazy, rude, disgusting, or just a plain jerk there is a process you can follow to be certain that this boy will not ask you to be his valentine.  Make a great effort to be the very opposite of who you are, and maybe more like this boy that you do not want to be with. If you can transform yourself into an always available, chatter- mouth, and disturbing lady,  then you may very well be successful in your mission. If this clingy boy is still attracted to you after that transformation, you will be sure to shake him when you take this process to the extremes.

First of all, your unwanted valentine needs to know that you are available. Available means if he needs his musty laundry done at four in the morning, you are the girl ready to do it as soon as the phone rings, basically becoming his jubilant slave. At first he might portray you as a sweet, selfless, and caring girl, but soon enough his attitude will change. All men live for the chase. They adore women that would not give them the time of day. This is why you should give him anything, at anytime of day. This trait is extremely undesirable to most men. Another undesirable trait is a woman who spends a copious amount of time chattering about herself. This means you will need to spend much of your time talking. Nothing intrigues a man more than the things he does not know. Exercise your right to free speech until you become extremely un-mysterious and boring. Once he knows everything about you, you are no longer intriguing. Does he need to know every minute detail about you, from the color of your snot when you blow your nose to the shade of purple on your nails? Yes, my friend, he does.

Once you run out of ludicrous things to babble about, you will need to begin a simpler task. Cry. Even when you have nothing to cry about, think about the pitiful cats and dogs in those depressing animal abuse commercials. If that doesn’t do the trick, then fake it until you make it. Put on your best actress face and let the tears roll on like the ocean tide. If you run out of tears and your unwanted valentine is still in your presence, you will need to become the most embarrassing person you know. Talk with your mouth full, lick your lips after every bite, and gargle after every swallow. When the meal is over and your food has been digested, let out a nice burp, or even if you dare, let yourself pass gas brazenly. Any normal man should be disgusted by your repulsive actions to the point that he has hidden in reclusion. If this particular man is not easily shaken by foul and nasty women then you shall continue the process of evading his companionship.

If the clinginess, the superfluous chatter, and the embarrassing meals do not cause the absence of a valentine then you must convert to greater extremities. Become an awful liar. Create the most obvious lies in hopes that this boy will be bothered with your inadequacy to lie. Make an effort to tell bold-faced kind of lies. Since men are so used to lying with stealth and crafty cunning, one will be completely unnerved to run into someone who lies without tact. If this effort fails as well, you must do the inevitable. The final solution to this situation and the most successful requires you to be honest. Yes, you have to face your problem and tell the poor boy that you would not like to be his valentine. It will most likely crush his heart but you are doing him and yourself a favor. You will not have to spend your Valentine’s Day with this unwanted boy and he will not have to spend his with someone who would most certainly be miserable the entire time. Once you have told him the truth you will not have to worry about him asking you to be his valentine or clinging to you again. The process is then over and you are relieved of this unsatisfactory male companion.

It can be hard to get rid of a clingy and insufficient valentine. Often times they won’t take the hint that they are unwanted. In this situation you must carefully execute the process to shake this man off of you. Simply avoiding someone is not as easy as it sounds. It is much easier to force the man to avoid you. You get to skip all the misery and heartache. Whatever your reason is for avoiding having a valentine this year, you can always lose a guy very quickly if you follow this simple process. Follow the influence of your undesirable valentine. Since he is so unlikable, try to be more like him. Whether you create an alter ego of yourself as an always available and disturbing woman, who talks much more than she should, or a bipolar liar, you will be successful in avoiding the misery of an unwanted valentine.

Swim Team Visits The Dawgs

The Northside Patriot Swim Team visited Athens this past weekend for a major meet at the University of Georgia. Only select swimmers from the teams were allowed to compete due to a limited number of spots in each event. In spite of this limitation, there were a whopping 600 swimmers in attendance (which is huge compared to the normal 400). Swimmers arrived at Northside at 5:15 in the morning in order to make it to Athens in time to warm up at 9:50 am. Upon their arrival at the University of Georgia, the team was amazed by how incredible the facilities were and the amount of competitors in attendance.

“There were so many swimmers there and barely anywhere to wait for our events,” said senior, Emily Fitts who will be attending the University of Georgia next fall.  “Overall, the meet took over fourteen hours to complete. I had to compete in two events I had never done before, so I was pretty nervous. Even though it was long and kind of nerve-wracking, it was a really great experience being able to swim at such a great facility.”

Emily, along with several other swimmers, competed in numerous events that they had never participated before.

However, some swimmers stuck to their strong suits and competed in the events they knew would guarantee a win for the team. Adam Wilder, a senior and one of the team’s captains, swam the 200 IM (a difficult event that combines all four strokes), the 100 breaststroke, and two relays with three other teammates.

“I was surprised by how many people there were at the meet,” said Adam. “I was overwhelmed and a little nervous, but I actually swam better than I normally would because I happen to work well under pressure. Overall, it was a really great first time experience swimming in Athens.” This proved to be true, as Adam cut time on both his individual events as well as the medley relay which he competed alongside teammates Kevin Savabi, Trey Brown, and Jonathan Lovern.

Swim season is almost over with only four meets left. The City-Wide meet will be held next Thursday, the 26th at 4 pm at the D.A. Turner YMCA off of Warm Springs Road. So come out and support your Patriots on their own turf when they compete against Shaw, Columbus, and Hardaway High School.

A Hawaiian Homecoming

This year’s Homecoming week promises to be totally gnarly.
Five days of Hawaiian-themed school spirit are sure to get Northside students
amped with Patriot Pride.

Surfer Dude
Monday-September 19

Calling all surfer dudes and babes! Grab your board shorts
and your surfboard, and get ready to hang-ten and hit the waves. Students will
wear flip flops, board shorts, and appropriate tank tops and t-shirts.

Totem Pole Tuesday-
September 20

Which class will prove to be the Big Kahuna? Students
will show pride for their individual graduating classes by dressing correspondingly
to their grade level. Listen up for your class sponsors’ announcement of what
you will be wearing!

Wednesday- September 21

Patriots! Aloha means “love” in Hawaiian.
Show your love for Northside ohana by
wearing red, white, and blue on Wednesday.

Tourist Thursday- September 22

Snap a picture while dressed in the tackiest travel attire you can
find. Mid-calf socks with sandals and fanny packs are welcome.

Friday- September 23

Grab your tiki torches and get stoked for the luau!
Students should wear grass skirts, leis, flowers, etc., as long as they are
dressed appropriately.