Daily Archives: February 2, 2012

Who Needs a CD Player

I’m going to be honest here; I don’t own a CD player. There, now that you’ve gasped in shock we can get onto the point of this article… you don’t really need one. You can rock out to the radio whenever you want for free. Here are some tunes, good and bad, that I’ve heard over the airwaves recently that should get anybody’s feet tapping.

Selena Gomez—I Love You Like a Love Song

Bravo, just… bravo. This is a testament to the fact that just because she’s dating Justin Bieber doesn’t mean she’s not talented. This song is so well written and so addicting… I’m singing it right now as write this (Cameron Starr is glaring at me so I should probably stop). The techno dance beat is masterfully blended with Gomez’s unique vocals to create a hit that’s reached the top of the charts in America… and Russia for some reason.

Lady Gaga—Marry the Night

I know, I know. I always write something about Lady Gaga. But that’s because she always has something new to write about. The Gaga train is going at full speed and shows no sign of slowing down. Marry the Night is classic Gaga; striking imagery catches your attention and holds it throughout the duration of the song. Gaga’s powerful vocals tie the whole composition together. This song has earned every point that has brought it to the top of the charts in the US and Belgium.

Flo Rida—Good Feeling

There are parts of this song that I like… and some that inspire intense apathy. The chorus: “…Oh, oh, oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah. I get a feeling that I never, never knew, never had before, oh no. I get a good feeling…” sung by Etta James (may her amazingly talented soul rest in peace) is fan-freaking-tastic. This cannot be said for the rest of the song, however. Flo Rida just doesn’t stand out… at all. He’s one more anonymous rapper on the wannabe R&B scene. The cover should read, “ETTA JAMES featuring Flo Rida (whoever that is).” This hasn’t stopped it from becoming number one in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, the UK, and the US.

LMFAO—Sexy and I Know It

I don’t quite know how to say this so I’ll be blunt… this song is worse than Ke$ha’s Blow, and that’s saying something.  Has anyone noticed that these guys aren’t sexy? Is it just me? This needs to be the new theme song for Jersey Shore, because it embodies the arrogant attitude of Mike Sorrentino (I refuse to call him “the Situation”). I have lost any respect I had for LMFAO. Until they make another good song, I’m relegating them to the “pit of no talent.” Bye LMFAO, say “hi” to Rebecca Black and Ke$ha when you get to the bottom.

YouTube: The Insta-Star Story

YouTube: it’s not just a media-sharing outlet but a cultural phenomenon. Since its launch in February 2005, YouTube.com has grown exponentially with an average of 65,000 videos uploaded daily. It has shown no signs of running out of steam, and it hasn’t taken long for some members of the populace to realize that there’s more potential for YouTube than a way to share videos with friends.

We all know who Justin Bieber is (whether you like him or not you can’t ignore him). This Canadian teen burst onto the international scene in 2008 quite by accident. His mother posted videos of him singing to YouTube for their relatives and friends and soon had acquired quite a following on the site. Soon after, media executive, Scooter Braun, discovered his videos, flew Bieber to Atlanta for a demo recording and a star was born.

Another rags to riches YouTube story from the UK is the comedy styling’s of The Yogscast. Two British friends and IT guys, Simon and Lewis, started a podcast for Britain’s techno-geek population. They also began to release videos on YouTube of the two of them playing video games (most popularly Minecraft) with their brand of humorous commentary which is much different from American humor. They now have the number one subscribed channel in the UK and all the celebrity and endorsement deals that come with such a distinction. Just goes to show that you don’t have to be able to sing to make it big on YouTube.

With these stories of success in mind, you’re probably ready to take to the YouTube stage. But take heed future stars, YouTube is a scary place. Here are some tips and tricks to help you achieve internet stardom.

  1. Have an idea—All YouTube insta-stars have one thing in common: an original idea. People are finicky and always looking for the next new thing. In order to grab center stage you have to get their attention and change things up often to keep them entertained.
  2. Dress for success—When filming yourself, make sure you are dressed in the latest fashions or make your own creative style. Viewers want to watch someone who they want to imitate, and looking your best and expressing yourself will score you major subscription points.
  3. CollaborateThe Yogscast has guest YouTube celebrities on their videos all the time. This helps them to advertise themselves on their guests’ channels. Find friends with YouTube channels and make a group project or advertisements for each other’s channels at the end of your videos.
  4. Have faith—Just a word of warning, YouTube is notorious for flame wars in the comment boxes. You will receive criticism and it will be harsh. However, don’t be discouraged. Most of these people are professional trolls who have nothing better to do than watch reruns of Friends and write Desperate Housewives’ fan-fiction.