Time to Pick Up the Pace

The first official measure of how you are doing in your first year in high school has
come and gone. This progress report is a predecessor to what is likely to be a
very similar-looking report card. You do not have that much time left to make your report card look pretty. After progress reports, you have four and a half more weeks. This can be the difference between your parents giving you $20 for good grades and being grounded until the next report card. Believe me; I have been on both ends of the spectrum! You have had time to get settled in, so now you need to go ahead and get those grades where they need to be for the benefit of
your weekends and your distant future. Every report card counts. Be sure not to
be one of those people who regret not taking their grades seriously their
freshman year! You get 16 report cards in high school. It is going to be a long
road, but just take it one progress report at a time and there will be plenty of report card money in your future.

Posted on September 10, 2012, in Newspaper/ Journalism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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